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October 11, 2008

Designer Drugs

Released in 2006, "Spit It Out" was the first single to be released from IAMX’s second album, ‘The Alternative’. A melancholic piece that ignited shivers then, and 2 years after, will rekindle the emotions brought forth from the latest addictive remix by Designer Drugs.

IAMX - Spit It Out (Desinger Drugs Remix Extended Version) (Download)

Jupiter One - Countdown (Designer Drugs Remix) (Download)

Miriah Carey - I'll Be Lovin U Long Time (Designer Drugs Remix) (Download)

Mission Control - Innerspace (Designer Drugs Remix) (Download)

Fake Shark Real Zombie - Designer Drugs (Designer Drugs Remix) (Download)

Little Boots - Meddle (Designer Drugs 80's Coke Jam Remix) (Download)